First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Phone Number
Birth Date
Any medical conditions.
What sports do you play? Number them in order of priority if you have declared them.
What is your most open times of the year with the most availability to train for your sport?
What is your highest level of achievement in each sport?
Do you have previous training in sports performance or effective range improvement?
Do you plan on playing a sport in college or beyond?
What would you say your athletic strengths and weaknesses are?
What areas of your athleticism do you think helps you the most and hurts you the most?
Do you wear any braces such as knee or elbow braces?
Are you currently taking any medications, supplements or diet pills? If so which?
Are you familiar with what a gait analysis is or effective range measurement study?
What school do you attend?
What time do you get out of school? When does school end for summer and begin for fall?
Do you have any medical conditions or pre-existing injuries that may effect training at KPM?
Child's Name / Age